From Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most celebrated filmmakers in the history of animated cinema, Howl's Moving Castle tells the tale of Sophie, an average teenage girl working in a hat shop, who finds her life thrown into turmoil when she is literally swept off her feet by a handsome but mysterious wizard named Howl. After this chance meeting she is turned into a 90-year old woman by the vain and conniving Witch of the Waste. Embarking on an incredible adventure to lift the curse, she finds refuge in Howl's magical moving castle where she becomes acquainted with Markl, Howl's apprentice, and a hot-headed fire demon named Calcifer. As the true power of Howl's wizardry is revealed, and his relationship with Sophie deepens, our young grey heroine finds herself fighting to protect them both from a dangerous war of sorcery that threatens their world. Available on vinyl for the first time as gatefold 2LP-set, this soundtrack features the score used in the film including "The Promise of the World" sung by Chieko Baisho who voices Sophie.
- Opening Song - Merry-Go-Round of Life
- The Merry Light Cavalrymen
- A Walk in the Skies
- Heartbeat
- Witch of the Waste
- Sophie in Exile
- The Magic Door
- Irremovable Spell
- Cleaning House
- To Star Lake
- Unspoken Love
- In the Rain
- Vanity and Friendship
- A Ninety-Year-Old Girl
- Saliman's Spell - Return to the Castle
- The Secret Cave
- Moving to a New House
- The Flower Garden
- Run!
- You're in Love
- Family
- Love Under Fire
- Escape
- Sophie's Castle
- The Boy Who Swallowed a Star
- Ending Song - The Promise of the World - Merry-Go-Round of Life