Produced by Sturgill Simpson and featuring Matt Sweeney (Adele, Iggy Pop), Pino Palladino (D'Angelo, John Mayer), James Gadson (Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye), Benmont Tench (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers) & the Nashville Friends Gospel Choir!
That's How Rumors Get Started sees 2019 Best New Artist Grammy nominee Margo Price commit her genre-bending rock-and-roll show to record for the first time, stretching out her emotive twang over sky-high soft-rock, burning psychedelic rock ballads, stomping road songs, and sprinkles of pop. Produced by longtime friend Sturgill Simpson (co-produced by Margo and David Ferguson), whether she's singing of motherhood or the mythologies of stardom, Nashville gentrification or the national healthcare crisis, relationships or growing pains, Margo crafted a collection of music that invites people to listen closer than ever before.
While Price continued to collaborate on most of the songwriting with her husband Jeremy Ivey, she recorded with an historic band assembled by Sturgill, including guitarist Matt Sweeney (Adele, Iggy Pop), bassist Pino Palladino (D'Angelo, John Mayer), drummer James Gadson (Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye), and keyboardist Benmont Tench (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers). Background vocals were added by Simpson on "Letting Me Down," and the Nashville Friends Gospel Choir, who raise the arrangements of "Hey Child" and "What Happened To Our Love?" to some of the album's most soaring heights.
Inspired by a candid, backstage conversation with Marty Stuart about the tough truths of touring, new single "Twinkle Twinkle," is a stinging indictment of nostalgia and the illusory nature of success. It follows "Stone Me," which was released to rave reviews with NPR calling it "a lighters-up ode to giving the middle finger to haters." That's How Rumors Get Started follows Margo's 2017 album All American Made, which was named the No. 1 Country/Americana album of the year by Rolling Stone, and one of the top albums of the decade by Esquire, Pitchfork and Billboard, among others.
- That's How Rumors Get Started
- Letting Me Down
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Stone Me
- Hey Child
- Heartless Mind
- What Happened To Our Love
- Gone To Stay
- Prisoner Of The Highway
- I'd Die For You